USA Tel. (312) 235 2254 Poland +48 608 570 280

The area of activities of our company is first of all genealogy. We provide digital photos of handwritten documents of ancestors from books of births/marriages/deaths/ and banns. Information about ancestors can be found also in other documents like:  cadastral maps with associated documents including house and land owner registers, court and Notary documents that allow one to find out information about important transactions, last will & testament documents, loans, land sales, house sales etc. Census records are also very import as they show all families living in a given house with many valuable information such as date of birth, date of marriages, detailed addresses. The rate is 39 USD per hour.

Another service is guiding / touring with interpreting. Once you find out the names of ancestors and siblings the next step might be to find living relatives. Guiding includes visiting the most popular places in Poland and also visiting the ancestral towns and villages, possibly meeting relatives and other people like priests and elderly people who might be able to tell the stories about the past and help with locating ancestral places and family. The fees are in section Touring

If you do not intend to visit Poland we can also visit the local village and try to find your family and send photos and all information we can obtain.  The fee for visiting village in south east Poland is 200 USD per day.

We also provide services of translation of all kinds of documents, helping with correspondence, providing all necessary address and telephones, and doing other things on request of the customer.

We do hope that by contacting us you will be satisfied as the first rule of is honesty and provision of the highest quality service.

The translation fee is 19 USD per 1800 characters including spaces.